
  • Very versatile ride
  • Carves hard
  • Great Pow Set Back
  • Upper tier Grip


  • Back half can feel washy in hard snow
  • Feels stiff on snow
  • Not the best for under size 10 boots in mid-range sizes


The YES Pyzel is there for those that want a stiffer more directional, slightly tapered version of the Standard Uninc. It feels wider than the specs would lead you to believe and it has a very aggressive feel to it but it is a very versatile ride.

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Riding Style All Mountain
Riding Level Advanced - Expert
Fits Boot size (US) 8-10, 10-12, > 12
Manufactured in Dubai by SWS
Shape Tapered Directional
Camber Profile Mostly Camber
Stance Centered
Approx. Weight Feels Normal
Split No
Powder Good
Base Glide Great
Carving Great
Speed Great
Uneven Snow Great
Switch Good
Jumps Great
Jibbing Average
Pipe Great
On Snow Feel

Semi-Locked In

Turn Initiation


Skidded Turns






Edge Hold

Hard Snow

Where To Buy

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YES Pyzel Snowboard Video and Written Review Review by The Good Ride

You have arrived at the YES Pyzel Snowboard Review from an average rider with extensive board knowledge and an exceptionally objective perspective.

Ethics Statement: We don’t get paid by the manufacturer to write these reviews and this is our unfiltered opinion. We do make money from the “Where To Buy” links, but this is our best attempt at an honest and objective review from an average riders’ perspective.

A Breakdown Of How It Rides And Who Its For

Yes Pyzel 2024 Snowboard Review

How This YES Pyzel Review Happened:

Borrowed this for an extended demo and sent it back.
Size: 158 for James & 164w for Davey
Days: We each had several days on them.
Conditions: YES got these to us in spring so mainly good spring conditions with only a few inches of thick pow.
Riders: James (Size 9, 5’10” 185-190lbs), Davey (Size 12, 240lbs, 6’4”)
Boots: Ride Torrent, Ride Fuse, Burton Ion
Insoles: F.I.T. Gamechangers
Bindings: Union Atlas, Union Force
Redunancy: Strapins in case boots or bindings break.
Jacket: Jones Mtn Surf Anorak, Jones Shralpinist Stretch Jacket, Burton AK Gore-Tex Pro 3L Tusk Jacket, Volcom Guide Jacket, Burton Gore-Tex 3L Treeline Jacket, Jones Peak Bagger Jacket. Burton AK Helitak Gore-Tex Jacket
Pant: Jones Mountain Surf Bib, Jones Shralpinist Stretch Bib,  Burton AK Gore-Tex Pro 3L Hover Pant, Burton AK Gore-Tex 2L Swash Pant, Burton Gore-Tex Ballast Pant
Helmet: Smith Maze
Goggle: Smith 4D Mag
Gloves: Burton AK Clutch Mitt, Burton AK Tech Leather Glove, Drop Tahoma Mitt,

Similar Boards (but not the same): Yes Pick Your Line, Burton Flight Attendant, Jones Flagship, Season Nexus, Summer Hammer, Korua Otto, Ride Algorythm, Tahoe Labs Directional Twin, Yes Basic Uninc, YES Standard Uninc, Cardiff Lynx, Cardiff Crane

James’s Set Up: 21.5” Wide. Sance Angles +18/-3, +18/+3, +18/-9, +15/-15. Close to Reference on groomers and Set all the way back in powder.
Davey’s Set Up: 23” Wide. Sance Angles +18/-3, +18/+3. Close to Reference on groomers and Set all the way back in powder.

How It Was Tested

Every day I rode this I rode the YES All In which is the same shape but with different materials, camber and a little softer flex. It felt right to constantly compare them.

Approximate Weight

The YES Pyzel is a pretty normal weight for this much surface area. (We don’t put in the exact weight because with wood cores there is no consistency in a boards weight)


YES Pyzel 158 Sizing

The YES Pyzel fits a bigger boot than the specs would suggest and this 158 felt like a lot of board for my size 9 boots. I also felt like I needed all my185lbs to turn it. This likes heavier riders with bigger boots. I thought because I could ride the wider YES Standard Uninc 156 pretty well for having pretty small boots for it that I could ride this narrower Pyzel in 158 but it wasn’t the case.

A 154 doesn’t seem like the right fit either so this feels much more of a mid/wide ride for riders 10 and up for most mid level sizes I would normally ride. If they stretched the 154 out into a 158 without widening it I would have been quite happy.

YES Pyzel 164w Sizing

The 164w worked well for Davey’s 12’s and 240lbs and that is more who this board is for. Guy’s with bigger feet. Davey does like going a little smaller with short/wides but with more standard width boards he generally likes it true to size.

Here are some ideal US boot sizes for the YES Pyzel boards. You can of course go bigger or smaller depending on your riding style and boot’s footprint, but these work best for not turning the board slower than it should be and not having the dreaded Toe & Heel Drag.
148: 7-8
150: 8-9
154: 9-10
158: 10-11
162: 11-12
155w: 11-12
160w: 11.5-12.5
164w: 12-13

For weight I think you can go at or a touch higher than YES’ recommended weight ranges. If it comes down to boot size or weight, I would make sure it fits your boot first and then your weight a close second but with this board it is ok to go a little higher.


The YES Pyzel takes it a little more directional and ads some taper in comparison to the YES Standard Uninc. It still feels more all mountain and centered but definitely doesn’t feel as centered as the Standard Uninc.

Camber/On Snow Feel/Ability Level

The YES Pyzel has that same Modern Camber (camber with a little mellow early rise before the nose) In comparison to the YES All In’s mellow camber with lot’s of early rise the Pyzel feels pretty aggressive but it is still a far cry from the old full camber days. For my size 9’s both these boards felt very wide underfoot and hard to skid a turn but to the right size boot they would work very well. The Pyzel is for sure for advanced to expert riders where the All In will work for any bigger booted rider.

Flex Personality

YES Pyzel Flex

I was surprised at how stiff the YES Pyzel felt on snow. It was hard to butter or press. There was good pop but it took a little more work to get it do so. That’s usually not the case with most YES boards I’ve riden. Maybe I got a stiff demo but it still had that kind of flex that feels like it can keep bending but never break.

Uneven Terrain

Both Davey and I thought the YES Pyzel could jam through uneven terrain. It’s not the dampest of damp but this flex personality is very competent in handling everything from hard micro bumpy snow to soft messy snow. Great all day ride.

Edge Hold

So the edge hold is a bit uneven with this Tapered Mid-Bite edge hold tech. I personally prefer normal mid bite because in harder snow the back half of the board feels washy where it doesn’t in normal conditions. You have to remember to put more weight on the front foot to keep it from slipping out. Still there is good grip but just not on the level of mid-bite or underbite or tapered underbite tech.

Speed/Base Glide

The base glide of the Yes Pyzel is pretty good. Nothing incredible but upper tier. Consistent waxing will keep this gliding well.

Turning Experience/Carving

So of course the 158 turned a little slow for me based on the sizing description above but the 164w turned well for Davey’s 12’s. Once I got the YES Pyzel on edge it could rail a turn. Despite having 6mm of taper I think this liked a front foot weighted carve the best. Then center weighted and only back foot weighted out of the turn in good conditions. In hard conditions it would wash on me. There is very good spring out of the turn and a pretty balanced turning experience.


YES sent this to us too late in the season to get legit pow but luckily we know YES boards super well. Based on how well the YES Standard Uninc floats in pow I can say that this will do better because it has, taper and more set back on board. With a 22.5” stance width on the set back inserts you can get -3.65” back from center of board vs. 2.25” on the Standard Uninc. The Pyzel is about the same set back as the PYL Uninc but that floats better with the more directional shape, a lot more taper and a tail that doesn’t have a lot of surface area. I wish almost every board had set back inserts. They just make sense for one board quiver pow riding.


The YES Pyzel feels very good for a board with 6mm of taper riding switch. It isn’t as good as the Standard Uninc but good enough to ride switch a lot.

Davey had a good time hitting some medium/small kickers as well.


So overall I didn’t have the easiest time on the YES Pyzel but if you are my specs with size 10.5’s this would be a great one board quiver. I only wish it had a little easier flex like the Standard Uninc had. That might make it a little easier to ride for me. Davey liked the All In a little better but wished it had the graphics and set back inserts of the Pyzel

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YES Pyzel Specs

YES Pyzel Images

We try to get as many images of the YES Pyzel, but forgive us if they're not all there.


YES Pyzel User Reviews

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