
  • Unreal Float In Deep Pow


  • Bucks In Uneven Soft Snow


The Capita Spring Break Powder Pill is not the best on those tracked up or quasi pow days but its one of the best I’ve tried when it gets deep.

Update 2023: The Capita Spring Break Powder Pill is still very much the same ride so this review from 2022 still stands. The only thing is it's not going to be around for 2024. They will be making the Powder Glider in 3 sizes (154,158 & 162) so that is going to take over as a favorite. If you can grab a Powder Pill on the cheap go for it though. 

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Riding Style Powder
Riding Level Intermediate - Expert
Fits Boot size (US) 8-10, 10-12
Manufactured in Austria at The Mothership
Shape Tapered Directional
Camber Profile Flat to Rocker
Stance Setback over 20mm
Approx. Weight Feels Light
Split No
Powder Excellent
Base Glide Great
Carving Average
Speed Good
Uneven Snow Average
Switch Poor
Jumps Good
Jibbing Poor
Pipe Poor
On Snow Feel


Turn Initiation


Skidded Turns






Edge Hold

Medium Snow

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Capita Spring Break Powder Pill Written Review Review by The Good Ride

Welcome to the Capita Spring Break Powder Pill Snowboard Review from an average, honest and objective perspective. 

Ethics Statement: We don’t get paid by the manufacturer to write these reviews and this is our unfiltered opinion. We do make money from the “Where To Buy” links, but this is our best attempt at an honest and objective review from an average riders’ perspective.

Capita Spring Break Powder Pill Review- How it rides and who it is for

Capita Spring Break Powder Pill Review

How This Review Happened:

Precious Good Ride dollars were spent to buy this and review it.
Size: 158
Days: 5
Conditions: I spent all season waiting for some deep snow and got 4 legit days. A lot of those days I did some early morning slackountry time with Drift Boards & Union Rovers
 James (Size 9, 5’10” 185-190lbs)
Boots: Burton Kendo, Burton Tourist
Insoles: F.I.T. Gamechangers
Bindings: Union Atlas
Jacket: Burton AK Gore-Tex Pro 3L Tusk Jacket, Volcom TDF Infuse 3L Gore-Tex Jacket, Burton AK 2L Helitac Jacket,
Pant: Burton AK Gore-Tex Pro 3L Hover Pant, Burton AK Gore-Tex 2L Swash Pant, Burton Gore-Tex Ballast Pant
Helmet: Smith Maze
Goggle: Smith 4D Mag
Gloves: Burton AK Guide Glove, Burton AK Clutch Mitt, Burton AK Clutch Glove, Drop Tahoma Mitt

Similar Boards (but not the same):
Capita Spring Break 158 Powder Glider, Capita Spring Break 161 Tree Hunter, Jones Mind Expander, Burton 3D Fish

Set-Up: 21.5” Wide. Sance Angles +18/-3, +18/+3.  Set all the way back.

How It Was Tested

I tested this against a lot of different pow boards on the same day and usually with the same bindings. I tried this against a 201cm Rad Air Tanker, the Powder Glider, The Soul Blower and other almost pow boards.

Approximate Weight

The Capita Spring Break Powder Pill is pretty light for this amount of surface area. (We don’t put in the exact weight because with wood cores there is no consistency in a boards weight)


Capita Spring Break Powder Pill Sizing

Capita Spring Break Powder Pill fit my weight better than the Powder Glider and better than most other Spring Break boards except for the next size up. My size 9 boots didn’t feel like they were trying too hard. That narrow tail seems to make it fine for my boot size. I would keep it at 11 and under. Well 11 with reduced footprint boots.

Here are some ideal US boot sizes for these boards. You can of course go bigger or smaller but these work best for not turning the board slower than it should be and not having the dreaded Toe & Heel Drag.
158: 9-10.5

Shape/Camber/On Snow Feel/Ability Level

Capita Spring Break Powder Pill Shape

There is a shit ton of taper. 4.4cm to be exact. Not sure if I rode a board with more taper than this. Despite all that taper you don’t have to ride it any different than you would a normal freeride board so don’t overthink the specs.

Capita Spring Break Powder Pill Camber Profile

There is a flat to rocker camber profile with the Capita Spring Break Powder Pill and it feels really forgiving, easy to skid a turn and stable. It traverses, one foots off the chair and flat bases really well.

Flex Personality

So the old Capita Spring Break Powder Pill was incredibly stiff and didn’t bend well. Some people who went too big with it broke it. The new Powder Pill has a really unique flex. It feels medium bordering on medium-stiff but you can keep flexing it and it just keeps bending. When you stop it snaps back. So there is a pretty rubbery but energetic pop to it. This is stiffer than the Powder Glider by a good bit.


You don’t get the Capita Spring Break Powder Pill to straightline steep chutes or bomb groomers. You get it for effortless cruising in deep pow.

The base glide is quite exceptional and almost on par with the fastest of fast that are out there.

Edge Hold

Not too much happening edge hold wise here but it can hang in snowment if you get a good twist going to make it grip harder.

Turning Experience/Carving

I tried carving this on some groomers years ago and it wasn’t terrible if the snow is soft.


With a 22.75” stance width, you can set back the Capita Spring Break Powder Pill -3.375” inches from center of the board. That isn’t much for a board like this but man this floats like no other board I’ve ever tried. The way this sits on top of the snow is special and this was always the stand out on every deep pow day when I did a sampler. If I ever can swing a trip to Japan or go on a cat trip or somehow can swing a heliboarding trip this is going to be in the bag when I go. When it gets deep this is a truly special ride.


So I am glad I spent a lot of precious Good Ride dollars to buy this and bring it into my quiver. I really love it. This might not be the right board for you and your specs but there probably is another size from this higher end Spring Break Powder line.

Capita Spring Break Powder Pill 158 Past Reviews

The Capita Spring Break Powder Pill 158 is a board that blew our minds at the time it came out. It sat on top of the snow higher than any other powder board we tried. If you can swing getting a dedicated powder board this is one of the better ones out there.  Most will want to put it away when the powder is gone.

Ethics Statement: We don’t get paid by the manufacturer to write these reviews.  We do make money from the “Where To Buy” links, but this is our best attempt at an honest and objective review from an average riders’ perspective

Capita Spring Break 158 Powder Pill 2016-2015 Snowboard Review

The Capita Spring Break Powder has a tapered directional powder snowboard shape but has a thickness to it that reminds us of a surfboard.  At first, you think it’s got a foam core but it’s wood. The first day we tried the Powder Pill it was the last board after a long day of riding different powder boards and it stoked us out.

How This Review Happened:  We borrowed thie 2016 model for an extended demo and then returned it.  We had a couple of laps on the 2015 model at a frantic manic demo day.

Size: 158
Days:  10+
Conditions:  Approx 2 feet of tracked up PNW Powder near the end of the day that took a little work to get fresh tracks. Then we had the 2016 model on mostly groomers which was a bit of a bummer but the weather didn’t cooporate with our demo window.
Riders: James, Peter
Boots: Burton Fiend LTD,  Burton Imperial,  Nike Lunarendore
Bindings:  Union Atlas, Union ContactUnion T.Rice, Ride Capo
Set Up:  Set Back 18 front 0 back, Set Back 15 front -6 back 23″ wide

So just to clarify this review is based solely on the 158 powder pill.  We didn’t try the other shapes/sizes.

So the Capita Spring Break was the last board we took out on at the end of a demo day in up to 2 feet of powder. Normally we’d be done if it wasn’t a demo day and we wouldn’t be out in this chewed up leftover powder. Also, Peter and I were both really exhausted too and kind of dragging from a month on the road. We got on the Spring Break and it felt like slamming 2 Red Bulls.  We both instantly perked up and our pants got tight as we started to make turns in leftover powder that usually gives you the let’s go get a beer vibe.

Approximate Weight:    Feels normal to a shad on the light side

On Snow Feel: the first word that comes into mind is snappy.  It’s a flat to rocker or continuous rocker camber profile but it felt more like a mellow continuous rocker. It’s a little loose between the feet but it’s not bad flat basing or one footing.  Basically the stoke you see from Peter and I in the video really sums it up.  On paper, this is nothing special but on snow, this is a fucking blast.

Powder:   The Capita Spring Break is all about powder. It’s such a fun playful ride that floats effortlessly and turns quick. There is almost no extra strain on the back foot. It’s a dart in and out of the trees kind of board for Peter and I. We rode lot’s of powder boards that day at the demo’s and this was our favorite.  What factors in even more stoke is this was the last board of the day so the snow was choppy.  If it wasn’t a demo day we would have been off the hill already.  It’s the kind of board that can provide a shit ton of fun from the first track to the last messy track after the last chair.

Turn Initiation and Carving:  So when we got this board we didn’t ask about specs or anything. We just strapped on bindings and went.  If I were to guess I would of thought 25.5cm so I was super surprised with the 27cm waist.  I never would of guessed with how quickly it turns that the waist is soo wide.  I also wouldn’t of guessed how much taper there is so maybe that’s what makes it so easy to turn. So it doesn’t feel that tapered and that wide. It’s super quick edge to edge so it’s great in tight spots like narrow chutes that you need to turn in or dense tree lines. Carving wasn’t too bad but it wasn’t really good either.  It’s more of a powder board only.  Sure you can go out on groomers and have a pretty fun time but it doesn’t hold or spring out of a carve well.  Short to wide radius turns are pretty fun though.

Speed:  We didn’t really have the kind of terrain at the end of the day to see how well it bombs.  We spent most of our time darting in and out of bumps and tight tree lines. It seems like it can handle chatter well.

Uneven Terrain:   Perfect in uneven terrain.  It really weaves in and out of bumps and handles chunder pretty well.

Edge Hold:   We couldn’t find one hard spot that day so we can’t say for sure how it holds in snowment to ice.  My guess is it won’t be that good because it’s a powder board but I don’t know for sure.

Flex:   Pretty medium stiff flex but it’s snappy, quick and easy to throw around.

Switch:   Not great but doable. A little more if you are centered but it’s very far from a twin.  I don’t buy into their marketing hype here about how easy it is to ride switch.  Maybe if you are a pro or a very accomplished rider but if you are an average rider like Peter and I it’s more work.

Jibbing:   nah….

Pipe:   nope….

Jumps:   Nice pop and the board really springs from between your feet.  It was fun getting air off the end of the day bumps here and there and we could see this being a great board for a method off a drop.

So all in all the Capita Spring Break is one of those boards that has a unique look and a very fun ride.  It’s really only a board I’d take out in powder but it really nails it there.  We felt it’s right up there with many of the great powder boards we have tried and it blows doors on the Capita Charlie Slasher. Both Peter and I want this board.

Capita Spring Break Powder Pill 158 Specs

Capita Spring Break Powder Pill 158 Images

We try to get as many images of the Capita Spring Break Powder Pill 158, but forgive us if they're not all there.




Capita Spring Break Powder Pill 158 User Reviews

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